Sometimes you just need somebody who will really listen when you talk about what’s going on in your life. Other times you might need somebody who can help you do better in school and help you figure out the best next steps in your life.
Kirkwood Counseling Services offers a safe space for students where everything you share is completely confidential. Our services are available at NO COST to all students currently enrolled at Kirkwood.
Important Information for:
If you would like to meet with a counselor, we have options!
Counseling Services clinicians can see students in person for counseling sessions during normal business hours (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.). Students may also choose to meet with a counselor virtually, through Zoom. When you call or stop by to request a appointment, just let them know if you are preferring to meet in person or virtually.
If you have any concern about yourself or another student, with needs beyond counseling, please contact the Student Assistance team. By filling out the Student Concern Form, they will be connected with any resources needed, including counseling.
Our counselors are available to consult with faculty and staff for questions about mental health needs. Each of the academic department have been assigned a counseling liaison and they can help answer questions or connect you with additional supports from our team. Counselors are also available to present on various topics in face-to-face classrooms, or virtually.
If your need for assistance is more urgent, for yourself or someone you know, please be aware of the following community resources that are available 24/7:
National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
9-8-8 (nation-wide) – live chat online
Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741 anywhere in the US, 24/7
CR: Foundation 2 Crisis Line and Mobile Crisis Outreach
1-800-332-4224 – Local resource in Cedar Rapids
Linn County Mental Health Access Center (Cedar Rapids)
IC: CommUnity Crisis Center
1-855-325-4296 – Crisis Line
1-855-800-1239 – Mobile Crisis Outreach Program
Guidelink Center (Johnson County)
Your Life Iowa
Live chat online –
Call: (855) 581-8111
Text: (855) 895-8398
Call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department
Professionally trained and licensed counselors are available to discuss personal, academic, or career issues that you may not be able to discuss with a friend, roommate, or family member.
Our counselors can also help you with coping strategies to assist in the stressors that get in the way of your academic and social functioning. As experienced and objective listeners, our counselors can help you explore your options, offer new ways to cope, provide helpful resources, or just listen.
Relational counseling is offered for students and their significant other, family member, roommate, etc. One person in the group needs to be a student at Kirkwood do be eligible.
Our counselors are active in the campus community promoting positive mental health and enjoy speaking to classes and groups around campus. Contact us if you would like us to speak to one of your classes or groups. Topics we present on include:
Everyone defines “crisis” differently. For Kirkwood Counseling Services, we are aware that individuals sometimes need more critical support than we can provide in the immediate moment. In order to access the quickest response for support, if you are in crisis, please use the following options:
Following an emergency crisis, Kirkwood Student Assistance can be contacted for advice or consultation on next steps to provide support on campus. If Counseling Services is a part of this support, Student Assistance can help make that connection.
What is Counseling and How Does it Work?
Counseling is your chance to think out loud with an experienced and objective listener who can help you explore your options, offer new ways to cope with situations, provide information about helpful resources or just simply listen.
Does going to counseling mean I am “weak” or have something “wrong” with me?
Not at all. In fact, talking with a counselor is a healthy way to address the challenges you are facing, establish coping skills, develop personal insight and achieve academic and personal success.
What kinds of things do people talk about in counseling?
Personal concerns including, but not limited to: anxiety, depression, dealing with roommates, homesickness, relating to classmates, self-esteem, dealing with grief, etc.
Academic concerns including, but not limited to: falling behind in class and strategies to catch up, low GPA, how to talk with an instructor, study strategies, testing taking strategies, time management strategies, etc.
What do you mean when you say that services are confidential?
All information shared in counseling sessions is confidential and will not be released to anyone (including parents, professors, other college staff members, or your friends) without your written consent, unless it is to protect you or someone else from imminent harm.
How much do counseling sessions cost?
Counseling is free of charge to all students. No insurance is ever billed for counseling services at Kirkwood.
How long does a counseling session last?
Sessions typically last about 50 minutes, depending on the student’s needs.
How often can I see a counselor and are there any limits to the number of times I can see a counselor?
The number of times you see a counselor varies depending on the counselor and the issues you may want to work on in counseling.
Does Kirkwood Counseling Services prescribe medications for mental health issues?
No. However, we do provide referrals to community agencies for evaluation, medication, and long-term therapy.
Will the counselor talk with me outside of sessions?
Counselors will not talk with you outside of their office (on campus or off campus) unless you talk with them first. They want to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of their relationship with you. You may initiate conversation if you feel comfortable and it is appropriate in the given setting.
Can I email my counselor?
Counselors will generally use electronic communication such as email, text messages, and phone messages only to arrange and/or confirm appointments, including the date and time of appointments.
How do I refer someone I have concerns about?
If you feel the situation is an emergency, call 911.
If it is not an emergency, in Cedar Rapids call 319-398-5540 or come to 3034 Iowa Hall or in Iowa City call 319-398-5540 or stop by the Student Services Office to speak with a counselor regarding effective strategies to encourage the person to utilize Counseling Services.
Having trouble adjusting to college? Feeling depressed, lost, or confused about your life? You're not alone. There are a lot of people who feel exactly the way you do.
Here are some resources that can help you learn more about what may be bothering you and what you can do to feel better.
Mental health is part of your overall health. Take an online screening, or call Counseling Services to make an appointment and speak to someone in person.
Academic Success
Anger Management
Eating Disorders
Emotional Hygiene
Healthy Relationships
Mental Illness
Self Compassion
Social Media and Unplugging
Stress Relief
Substance Abuse
Test Anxiety
Trauma and PTSD
AIDS Crisis Line: 800-221-7044
American Association of Poison Control Centers: 1-800-222-1222
Cedar Rapids Community Health Free Clinic: 319-363-0416
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Crisis and Support: 319-363-2093 or 800-208-0388
Family Violence Helpline: 800-996-6228
GLBT Hotline: 888-843-4564
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency Hope Line: 800-622-2255
National Crisis Line – Anorexia and Bulimia: 800-233-4357
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
National Hopeline Network: 800-SUICIDE (800-784-2433)
National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 (talk or text)
Planned Parenthood Hotline: 800-230-PLAN (7526)
Self-Harm Hotline: 800-DONT CUT (800-366-8288)
TREVOR Crisis Hotline: 866-488-7386
United Way Crisis Information and Referral: Call 2-1-1
USA National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Veterans Crisis Line: 800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
Help spread awareness of resources available for those with mental-health-related needs. After the training, participants carry a few resource cards with them and tie a green bandana on their backpack to indicate they are safe individuals to approach with mental-health-related concerns and know where to find help. The program promotes a stigma-free and supportive environment.
If you have any questions about Green Bandana Project training sessions, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 319-398-5540.
Upcoming Trainings:
Wednesday, Mar. 5, 11:15 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. in 2014 Iowa Hall
Be a part of the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative that aims to make Iowa the healthiest state in the nation by improving physical, social, and emotional well-being of Iowans. Make It OK is a community campaign to reduce stigma by increasing understanding and creating caring conversations about mental illness.
Upcoming Trainings:
Active Minds is a national student organization designed to promote mental health awareness on college campuses. For more information about being involved with Active Minds, contact Angie Ziesman Weiler.