Kirkwood Fire School

Kirkwood Fire School

Training Fire Service Personnel

The CITA-Kirkwood Fire School is a partnership between the Central Iowa Training Association and Kirkwood Community College, since 1986. This fire school is one of the largest in the State of Iowa and is committed to providing the highest quality fire training through efficient use of resources in meeting the training, safety, and education needs of fire service personnel across Iowa and nearby states.

Notice for 2025 

After careful consideration the Central Iowa Training Board of Directors and the CITA-Kirkwood Fire School Committee want to inform you that we have made the difficult decision to discontinue fire school for 2025.

Over the past 38 years, this fire school met the needs and filled the voids of training for both those in our region and those that traveled from outside of our region. This change comes because of the increasing availability of training programs that can be delivered directly to your fire station or county meetings. These tailored training opportunities provide greater flexibility and allow you to stay in your community to meet the needs of your citizens. Additionally, we have struggled with the increasing complexity of finding instructors, new and advanced training courses and equipment logistics.

Thank you for your understanding and dedication to the safety and well-being of your communities.

- CITA-Kirkwood Fire School Committee

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Kirkwood Community College

Continuing Education
