My site is designed so that you can navigate to any part of it when you are in any location. Every link to any of my favorite websites or any of my work. Each page is designed in relation to what you are viewing. If you click on my biography page for example you will see and read about my professional as well as my social life. I am a big people person.

Scroll the mouse over any of the links to view the color change in the button. That indicates which button you will activate if clicked on it. Each of my favorite website buttons are the same way. Try scrolling the mouse over some of my work on the pages. You can view more of my work that way!

Also on the top of each of my pages are the help button, resume, and business card button. You can click on those from any location in the website that will pull up a seperate page so you can view my website and one of those at the same time.