Computer Support Specialist

Computer Support Specialist

Pair IT With Service

Computer support specialists provide technical assistance to users as well as maintain, upgrade, and repair computer systems and networks. Students interested in this field should have an interest in working with people.

Specialists constantly interact with customers and fellow employees as they answer questions and give valuable advice. They should also enjoy learning about new technology and be willing to work on both hardware and software systems. Good writing and communication skills are also required.

This degree focuses on a variety of IT skills that include hardware, software, networking, and programming, as well as problem-solving and analytical skills.

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Cisco 25 Years of Service for Networking Academy

Kirkwood is the affordable option! We offer more than $3 million in scholarships every year. Students in this program may be eligible to have half their tuition paid for by the Kibbie Grant.

Graduates of the Computer Support Specialist program will be able to:

  • Determine appropriate application software to use when troubleshooting end user requests
  • Determine hardware and software troubleshooting strategies needed to maintain computer workstations
  • Install and configure basic network server/client systems using appropriate cabling, troubleshooting, and security techniques
  • Demonstrate effective problem-solving strategies that lead to adaptable and flexible solutions
  • Demonstrate acceptable ethical behavior related to information technology
  • Apply customer service and end-user support principles to customer interactions
  • Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in a variety of IT contexts while participating willingly and effectively as part of a team

Program Costs

Computer Support Specialist 

School Year: 2024–25

Program Entry Semester: Fall

Fall Spring Fall Spring Total
Credit Hours per Semester 15 15 16 18 64
In-State Tuition $3,255 $3,255 $3,472 $3,906 $13,888
Technology Fee per Semester $50 $50 $50 $50 $200
Clinical Expenses (mileage, lodging, screenings, etc.) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Conferences/Seminars $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Course Resources (textbooks, software, etc.) $695 $605 $335 $380 $2,015
Course/Section Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Laptop (required devices) $2,100 $0 $0 $0 $2,100
Testing Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Third Party Credentials $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Tool Sets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Uniforms $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Other $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Estimated Cost $6,100 $3,910 $3,857 $4,336 $18,203


Costs provided are estimated and based on the following current tuition rates: $217 (In-State), $290 (Out-of-State), $400 (International).

Fees and costs are subject to change.

To view all costs associated with attending college visit our Tuition and Costs page.

Laptop Requirements

Students enrolled in this program must purchase or own a laptop to meet hardware specifications within the courses.

View Laptop Requirements

Additional Information

The curriculum for this program is designed from industry input. Students learn the latest tools and concepts to be successful in the field. Sample classes include:

  • Computer Concepts
  • Network Plus
  • Special Topics in Technology
  • Introduction to Programming Logic
  • Fundamentals of Web Programming
  • Administering Windows Server
  • Network Security Basics
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • CCNA Cisco I
  • Information Technology Specialist CAPSTONE

If you like computers and working with people, the Computer Support Specialist program is for you. As a well-trained graduate, you will help others navigate the difficult world of technology. You’ll be the expert people turn to when they are in need of technical assistance. With industry-approved curriculum, you will have the knowledge and skills that employers are looking for in this in-demand field. Career opportunities include:

  • Computer support specialists
  • Technical support specialists
  • Help desk technicians

Explore Careers

Students in Kirkwood's Computer Support Specialist program, as well as those pursuing the IT Fundamentals Certificate or Computer Support Technician Diploma, are encouraged to join the Kirkwood chapter of Business Professionals of America (BPA). With 45,000 members in more than 1,800 chapters across 25 states and Puerto Rico, as well as an international presence in China, Haiti and Peru, BPA has the ability to enhance student participation in professional, civic, service and social endeavors.

BPA is one of eight recognized members of the National Coordinating Council for Career and Technical Student Organizations (NCC-CTSO). CTSOs are co-curricular groups that help students in career and technical education programs further their knowledge and skills by participating in activities, events, and competitions.

Our mission is to prepare students with information technology and workplace communication skills to deliver user support services exhibiting strong critical thinking, problem solving, active listening and best customer service practices.


Business & Information Technology
203 Nielsen Hall