Expanded Functions Dental Assisting

Expanded Functions Dental Assisting

Get Your Certificate Without Ever Leaving Your Dental Office

The Kirkwood Expanded Functions Dental Assisting Course is offered through Continuing Education and is designed so you can obtain your EFDA certificate without leaving your dental office. Coursework is performed through directed text readings along with evaluation measures and completion of clinical skills within your office. You will be assigned an instructor who will oversee your progress within the course.

Students enrolled in the course are given six months to complete the readings, evaluation measures and clinical skills. Online quizzes assist students to obtain information needed to pass the required post-assessment.

Students will be required to attend an orientation session at Kirkwood's main campus in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Alternative orientation options may be considered for those who are a great distance from this site.

Related Information

Click the following links to learn more about the program and department: 

If you have any specific enrollment questions, contact us at healthoccupations@kirkwood.edu

Department of Health Occupations