Student Achievement Outcomes

90% Course retention rate.

Fall 2022. Source: Institutional Data. Method: National Community College Benchmarking Program (NCCBP). Percent of students, both full- and part-time, who enroll in a course and maintain that enrollment for the duration of the course. This metric is not impacted by grades obtained by students in the course.


87% Course completer success rate.

Fall 2022. Source: Institutional Data. Method: National Community College Benchmarking Program (NCCBP). Percent of students, both full- and part-time, who enroll in a course, maintain that enrollment for the duration of the course, and obtain a grade of C- or better.


73% Satisfactory Academic Progress.

AY2022-2023. Source: Institutional Data. Method: Last known status at end of academic year. A standard which students are required to meet at Kirkwood in order to continue receiving financial aid. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher and earn at least 2 out of every 3 credits they attempt (or 67%).


69% Federal cohort first-to-second year retention rate - Full-time.

Fall 2022. Source: Institutional Data. Method: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The number of full-time students enrolled for the first time at a post-secondary institution who are in pursuit of a credential and maintained enrollment at Kirkwood from their first fall term to their second fall term, divided by the total number of those same students that enrolled in that first fall term. This metric does not include College Credit in High School students.


45% Federal cohort first-to-second year retention rate - Part-time.

Fall 2022. Source: Institutional Data. Method: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The number of part-time students enrolled for the first time at a post-secondary institution who are in pursuit of a credential and maintained enrollment at Kirkwood from their first fall term to their second fall term, divided by the total number of those same students that enrolled in that first fall term. This metric does not include College Credit in High School students.


40% Federal cohort graduation rate in 150% of normal time to completion.

Fall 2020. Source: Institutional Data. Method: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The percent of students enrolled after high school for the first time at a post-secondary institution who are in pursuit of a credential who then obtained that credential in no more than 150% of the required time (e.g., completed a 2-year program in no more than 3 years).


17% Federal cohort transfer rate with graduation in 150% of normal time to completion.

Fall 2020. Source: Institutional Data. Method: Modified Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The percent of students enrolled after high school for the first time at a post-secondary institution who are in pursuit of a credential who went on to attend a 4-year post-secondary institution in no more than 150% of the required time (e.g., transferred from a 2-year program in no more than 3 years).


10% Federal cohort transfer rate without graduation in 150% of normal time to completion.

Fall 2020. Source: Institutional Data. Method: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The percent of students enrolled after high school for the first time at a post-secondary institution who are in pursuit of a credential who did not obtain a credential but transferred to a 4-year post-secondary institution within 150% of the required time to complete their original credential of interest (e.g., transferred within 3 years while enrolled in a 2-year program).


94% Employment rate one year following graduation.

AY2022-2023. Source: Iowa Department of Education. Method: Iowa Community College Program Outcomes. The percent of students that secured employment within one calendar year of completing their program at Kirkwood. This metric does not include students that continued their education.


0% Federal cohort loan default rate (CDR).

FY2020. Source: U.S. Department of Education. Method: Official Cohort Default Rate. The percent of students that took on student loans in order to afford their enrollment at Kirkwood and then failed to make at least one payment on those loans. 

NOTE: This information is updated annually in June.

Any concerns or questions regarding Title IX compliance can be directed to Melissa Payne, Vice President, Student Services, at

Inquiries in regard to data, definitions, or statistics can be directed to Cort Iverson, director of Institutional Research, at

HLC Policy: Public Information: FDCR.A.10.070