Employee Recognition Awards

Please review the award criteria for each major award. Letters of support from additional coworkers and community partners may be included with the nomination form. The nomination form and supporting letters will be reviewed by the Employee Recognition Committee and recipients will be announced at the Employee Appreciation Event.


Submissions are due by September 27, 2024.


Complete the nomination by clicking below.


The Employee Recognition Committee has established the following President’s Award criteria:

  1. Nominee should have demonstrated outstanding service, directly or indirectly, to Kirkwood students or staff.
  2. Nomination must be well supported by his/her co-workers. Additional support may come from staff, students, or members of the community and professional organizations.
  3. Nominee should have demonstrated outstanding capability in the position which he/she holds.
  4. Winners of the award will be ineligible for further nomination for a period of three years after receiving the award.
  5. Nominees who do not win the award remain eligible for nomination in subsequent years, however, they must be re-nominated.

The Employee Recognition Committee has established the following Distinguished Service Award criteria:

  1. The Distinguished Service Awards recognizes Kirkwood employees who, for a variety of reasons, have exemplified what it means to be a great employee.
  2. The committee will select up to a maximum of five winners.
  3. Possible nomination ideas include:
    • Promoting Kirkwood to the community
    • Promoting diversity on campus or in the community
    • Community service
    • Outstanding service
    • Student Learning success
  4. Winners of the award will be ineligible for further nomination for a period of three years after receiving the award.
  5. Nominees who do not win the award remain eligible for nomination in subsequent years, however, they must be re-nominated.

The League for Innovation in the Community College has established the Innovation of the Year Award to recognize League colleges that have designed and implemented a significant innovation. Each innovation will receive a plaque and will be featured in a special issue of the League newsletter.

QUALITY: Students and/or staff agree that the innovation increases "quality" in the course, program, office or institution. Evidence of quality may include student ratings or letters of support from colleagues.

EFFICIENCY: There is evidence that the innovation or outstanding program contributes to a more efficient way of doing things. Student ratings, perceptions of outside consultants and pre/post-comparison of time involved are examples of evidence.

COST EFFECTIVENESS: There is evidence that the innovation adds a value to the institution while at the same time containing or reducing costs. Cost data involved are examples of evidence.

REPLICATION: The program can be replicated in other institutions with a minimum of difficulty.

CREATIVITY: The program should be as original as possible or the adaptation should be at least creative. Descriptions of the program or letters from experts are examples of evidence.

TIMELINESS: The program should not be more than five years old in the institution, but it must have been around long enough to have been tested so that it meets most of the criteria.

Eligibility, nomination and presentation procedures are as follows:

  1. Any current full-time or part-time Kirkwood employee may be considered for the award.
  2. Nominations can be accepted from anyone either inside or outside the institution with knowledge of the project, process, or activity.
  3. Nominations should consist of a description of the project, process, item or activity supported by relevant materials using the criteria listed below.

The Steven James Ovel impact award recognizes faculty and staff who, through their work with students or impact on the community, embody the legacy of his life’s work. For nearly 50 years, Steve dedicated his professional and philanthropic life to the service of others. As a lobbyist for Kirkwood and the Iowa Association of Community College Trustees, Steve worked tirelessly to create programs and legislation assisting underserved populations, individuals with barriers and students in need. His expertise in higher education, workforce and economic development positioned him as policy leader at the local, state and national levels.

His passionate advocacy for higher education, job training, career and technical education, corrections education, human services, aging services, improving the lives of immigrants and English language learner, adult literacy, community and economic development in addition to countless other areas of volunteerism; positively affected the lives of an untold number of individuals, while simultaneously growing Iowa’s economy.

Nominees for this award should demonstrate some of the admirable qualities possessed by Steve Ovel, meeting one or more of the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated impact on the community through outstanding service or innovative programs assisting students with unique barriers or significant need
  • Significant impact on workforce solutions
  • Creation of innovative partnerships or programs to provide a better student experience
  • Serve as an advocate and mentor for students
  • Demonstrated ability to distill complex data into relevant information for a variety of audiences

    Nominees are eligible for a one-time award, however, nominations can be submitted annually for applicants not selected.