Educational Opportunity Center

Educational Opportunity Center

TRIO Educational Opportunity Center

Welcome to Kirkwood’s Educational Opportunity Center (EOC), where you can achieve your academic goals and take your education and career to the next level!

The goal of the EOC program is to increase the number of adult participants who enroll in postsecondary education institutions. To do this, EOC provides counseling and information on college admissions to qualified adults who want to enter or continue a program of postsecondary education. The program also provides guidance on secondary school reentry to a high school completion program for adults who do not have a high school diploma, assistance in completing college admission and financial aid applications, education and counseling to improve financial and economic literacy, individualized personal, career, and academic counseling, and tutorial services. 

EOC is a free program. It is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Federal TRIO Programs.

An individual is eligible to participate in the Educational Opportunity Center project if they meet all of the following requirements:

  • A citizen or permanent resident of the United States
  • At least 19 years of age or a high school senior not served by Talent Search
  • A first-generation student (neither parent completed a four-year degree)
  • Lower income (based on federal guidelines)
  • Does not have their Bachelor’s Degree
  • Lives in one of the following counties: Johnson, Jones or Linn

What are the program's services?

  • Academic advice and assistance in institution, program, and course selection
  • Assistance in completing college admission and financial aid applications
  • Assistance in identifying and applying for scholarships
  • Advice on secondary school reentry or high school completion
  • Orientation to postsecondary student uses of information technology
  • Assistance in exploring and making career choices
  • Assistance in resolving student loan default
  • Individual counseling and information sessions at our offices in Linn, Johnson and Jones counties
  • Group counseling and information sessions
  • Workshops on college financial aid, career direction and financial literacy
  • College tours
  • Individual counseling to help discover occupational and educational interests


EOC Program Application


Program Highlights

The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) at Kirkwood Community College started the first year of a five-year competitive grant in January 2022. In our first year, 527 people participated in the program. Of that total,

  • 390 were low-income and potential first-generation college students
  • 91 were potential first-generation college only 
  • 35 were low-income only

By the end of our first year,

  • 53% of our participants finished high school and received their diploma
  • 67% completed the Financial Aid Application
  • 70% completed post-secondary admissions

Our second year of the program ran from Sept. 1, 2022 to Aug. 31, 2023. During that time, 850 people participated in the program. Of that total,

  • 628 were low-income and potential first-generation college students
  • 147 were potential first-generation college only 
  • 41 were low-income only
  • 296 were high school graduates who never attended college
  • 45 were post-secondary education

By the end of our second year,

  • 46% of our participants finished high school and received their diploma
  • 65% completed the Financial Aid Application
  • 68% completed post-secondary admissions
  • 70% enrolled in a post-secondary program

Meet Our Team

Scott Gay
Scott Gay
Title: Director, TRIO-Educational Opportunity Center
Phone: 319-398-5684

Meghan Ferol
Title: Program Assistant, TRIO-Educational Opportunity Center
Phone: 319-784-1717
Paul Landoukpo
Paul Landoukpo
Title: Program Advisor, TRIO-Educational Opportunity Center
Phone: 319-784-1730
Farhain Mohamad
Farhain Mohamad
Title: Program Advisor, TRIO-Educational Opportunity Center
Phone: 319-784-1731
Angela Sagan
Angela Sagan
Title: Program Advisor, TRIO-Educational Opportunity Center
Phone: 319-784-1732

Contact Us

Kirkwood Community College
114 Benton Hall
6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
