The Kirkwood Global Learning department works to advance Kirkwood Community College as a global learning community by serving as a crossroads for faculty, staff and students from around the world who seek educational opportunities, as well as a resource for Kirkwood faculty, staff and students seeking educational opportunities in other countries.
Global Learning is responsible for international student admission, international student services and advising, study abroad programming and advising, and managing several international grant programs.
They facilitate and support faculty and staff in becoming involved in international partnerships and community. Kirkwood faculty and staff have many opportunities to serve as host or mentor families, propose Study Abroad programs, serve as international faculty leaders, and assist in short-term visitor programming, to name a few.
Kirkwood also sends over 100 students each year on Study Abroad programs led by Kirkwood faculty and provides student scholarships.
Meet our department and learn more about how to get involved!
Global Learning
2008 Iowa Hall