Business Transfer - Liberal Arts

Business Transfer - Liberal Arts

Start Your Business Career

Students planning to pursue a business degree at a four-year institution can follow the Liberal Arts program requirements while at Kirkwood, where they will complete general education and elective courses that prepare them for the transfer. Select business courses can apply toward elective requirements needed for the Associate of Arts degree.

To transfer to a four-year college or university and major in business, you'll complete the Kirkwood Liberal Arts Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree. Credits in accounting, management, and other courses will help you build your resume, and prepare for transfer.

How to Apply Connect with Us

Students interested in studying business work with the Academic Advising Center staff for course selection. Kirkwood has articulation agreements with all three state universities and many other four-year institutions in Iowa, including a 2+2 agreement with the University of Iowa.

It is recommended that you work closely with your advisor to ensure that you are aware of specific requirements for the institution you will attend, such as math, foreign language, laboratory science, diversity, and grade point average.

Business department faculty and staff are available to discuss specific courses, independent study, and honors projects.

For advising support and more information, please contact:

Academic Advising Center, Cedar Rapids Main Campus
1st Floor, Nielsen Hall (Allsop Lab)
319-398-5540 |

Student Services, Iowa City Campus
112 Credit Center

Kirkwood awards scholarships designated for business students in the areas of: accounting, apparel merchandising, banking and finance, business and office administration, graphic communication, information and LAN technology, management, and marketing. Recipients are chosen through the Kirkwood scholarship process. View the process.


Business students are encouraged to join the Kirkwood chapter of Business Professionals of America (BPA) and/or Future Business Leaders of America, INC. (FBLA).

With 45,000 members in more than 1,800 chapters across 25 states and Puerto Rico, as well as an international presence in China, Haiti and Peru, BPA has the ability to enhance student participation in professional, civic, service and social endeavors.

FBLA is the largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world, helping more than 230,000 members prepare for careers in business each year.

BPA and FBLA are two of eight recognized members of the National Coordinating Council for Career and Technical Student Organizations (NCC-CTSO). CTSOs are co-curricular groups that help students in career and technical education programs further their knowledge and skills by participating in activities, events, and competitions.

Transfer Plan of Study

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
ACC-152 Financial Accounting 4
ACC-156 Managerial Accounting 4
ECN-120 Principles of Macroeconomics 4
ECN-13 Principles of Microeconomics 4
ENG-105 Composition I 3
ENG-106 Composition II 3
SPC-101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication 3
- - - - - - - History-Cultures 6
- - - - - - - Humanities 9
- - - - - - - Science 6
- - - - - - - Social Science 3
- - - - - - - Electives* 9
- - - - - - - Math* 6
Total Credit Hours 62


*Math and elective course selections are based upon your four-year college choice.

Below are math requirements to enter the College of Business at the following institutions:

University of Iowa

  • MAT-162: Business Statistics
  • MAT-163: Quantitative Reasoning for Business
  • MAT-165: Business Calculus

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Iowa State University

  • MAT-140: Finite Math
  • MAT-162: Business Statistics
  • MAT-165: Business Calculus

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University of Northern Iowa

  • MAT-162: Business Statistics

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Mount Mercy University

  • MAT-140: Finite Math
  • MAT-157: Statistics

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Coe College

  • MAT-157: Statistics

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Business & Information Technology
203 Nielsen Hall